Executive Function and Creative Productivity

Executive Function and Creative Productivity

Many people with ADHD are very creative, have great ideas, big vision and… itty bitty follow through. It’s so frustrating part of being a creative human with ADHD because you know how much awesomeness is in your brain… if you could only get it out reliably! Instead it often feels like flashes of brilliance and a perfect storm of events are required for the magic to happen.

ADHD Life Hacks for Oral Health

ADHD Life Hacks for Oral Health

Have ever you gone to the dentist after putting it off, had a mouthful of cavities and need more crowns than the royal family? Do you struggle to brush your teeth every day and totally lie when the hygienist asks about flossing? Well, this post is for you then!

New underwear, new habits and executive function

New underwear, new habits and executive function

Putting on new underwear is remarkably simple. Once you finally make the purchase. 
Seems dumb- but the purchase has been put off for months. 
Wearing the old underwear is comfortable in a way that you don’t realize you’re uncomfortable
Habits are like this. 

ADHD, Buddy the Elf and Me

ADHD, Buddy the Elf and Me

Creating MY ADHD life meant reframing myself as a human with an elf-sized heart, overflowing with creativity and enthusiasm. When I stopped trying to fit in with people who aren’t the same as me, and instead focused on how to be the best version of myself, I found I had created a life that worked with my ADHD, rather than against it. An ADHD diagnosis won’t fix everything, but it will help you know yourself better and allow you to do the same.